4 Tips to Help You Prepare for the 2021-2022 School Year!
First of all, congratulations on completing another school year! As a teacher myself, I know that 2020-2021 was certainly one for the books and you should be proud that you made it to the other side.
While I understand that you deserve some much-needed R&R, I wanted to take this time to focus on how you can be proactive over the summer in preparation for the next school year. In this first summer newsletter, you’ll find some tips to help get you ready for fall, and I’ll go over a couple of great opportunities to help you make the most of Datability.
2021-2022 Preparation Tips
It might be far from your mind right now, but we all know how quickly the next school year can creep up! Here are some ways to prepare and be proactive over the summer:
#1 Reflect: Look back on the last school year and make a list of things you can improve on (that are in your control) for the 2021-2022.
#2 Set Attainable Goals: Now that you know what you can do better, set some achievable goals for yourself to keep you motivated throughout the school year. Make your goals as SMART as possible and refer to them often to ensure you’re on task.
#3 Research: Professional development is important not only for you, but for your students too. If there are new tools or technologies out there that your students could benefit from, do some research over the summer and learn new tactics, or skills that could benefit everyone.
#4 Make A Plan: From how you want your furniture/classroom set up, to activities for the first week, you really can’t go wrong with having a strategic plan of action ready. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself in the long run for being organized before it’s too late.
Want to learn more about my thoughts on writing measurable goals?
Using Datability More Effectively Next Year To Help You Stay Organized
School years can be hectic. You have so many expectations for how it should go but the next thing you know, things get away from you. If you wanted to implement Datability to track, measure, and assess goals for your special education students last year but just couldn’t find the time, now is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with all of its features!
I’ve also created video tutorials where you can go through the software thoroughly—but at your own pace.
From end of year reports, to new features, I recommend you get acquainted with everything that Datability has to offer so that you’ll start 2021-2022 on the right foot!
Additionally, I’m available throughout the summer if you’d like to set up a call.
Whether you’re a teacher or parent who needs help navigating through the application, or you’re an administrator looking to adopt the software for your school, simply click the button below to arrange a time that works.
Summer Suggestions
Do you have a special needs child at home or student in your classroom? Here are some fun activities that you can do over the summer—or in the classroom—that I think they (and you) will really like!
● Sensory Stations: Sensory stations are fun for kids of many ages. From rainbow rice to DIY calm down jars, there are tons of ideas on Pinterest. I suggest checking out these ones here for inspiration.
● Indoor/Backyard Camping: Turn your living room—or classroom—into a fun campsite with cushions, blankets, pillows, and whatever you can think of! You can even go a couple steps further by using an actual tent, sleeping bags, flashlights, and more!
● Creative Story Ending: Read a story to your child(ren) but don’t finish it. Instead, have them write out their own ending, or have them draw a picture (or create a picture using all kinds of materials) of how they think it ended and then ask them to explain it.